Water has received increased attention as an important component of one of seven key messages for consumers in the 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines, which recommend “Drink water instead of sugary drinks”. Water is clearly an essential nutrient, and the single largest body constituent. Daily water needs of adults range approximately from three to four liters per day, yet “plain” water intake represents only about one liter per day, with the remainder of fluid intake coming from other beverages and foods. In the United States, tap water is readily available, regulated and monitored for safety, calorie-free, and low-cost. There is a need for consumers to drink more water for improved health. Yet, water consumption is influenced by many factors, including public perception of water safety and treatment, perceived risks related to contaminants and water-borne diseases, health benefits, and flavor-aesthetics. To address these water research challenges, which extend well beyond a single discipline, transformative approaches to graduate training are needed to integrate physical, biological, health and social sciences with engineering.